A Home for Everyone

Public housing in Singapore: is it really for everyone?

Everyone wants a home of their own. In Singapore, this couldn’t be more true. With a staggering 91% owning their homes, our city-state has the world’s second highest home ownership rate. Pretty impressive for a tiny red dot!

Much is due in part to the government’s philosophy to public housing – to provide quality and affordable HDB flats for the nation through generous grants and schemes.

But the grants can be confusing, with different conditions to fulfil before one can qualify. How then do we make the grants digestible to singles or families looking to own an HDB flat?

Uncovering grants in an ideal home setting

Tasked to create a video, we were told not to make the topic seem ‘dry’. Storytelling was essential if we were to pique people’s interest. So me and my art wunderkind, Hasheer, thought:

The clients loved the idea. We even had the perfect shoot location in mind! The HDB Nice Home Gallery was a godsend with its different show flat types catered for different households. 

“What if home buyers while exploring what could be their dream abode, stumble upon helpful grants seamlessly woven into the fabric of the home?”

Retirees can unlock the value of their flat​

Similarly, when we created a video for the Lease Buyback Scheme, a monetisation option to help elderly households, we applied the same idea. The only difference was that we shot it in a lived-in flat.

We created a slew of animated social posts to highlight the role of public housing. They also helped convey how the different HDB grants and schemes make it easier for Singaporeans to afford their own homes.

Social assets to emphasise the evolution of public housing and different schemes. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
I am Ravi Mirchandani, a copy-based creative with 15 years’ experience in creative copywriting, digital storytelling and content strategy.